Pretty simple script I wrote a while back. Moves files between two paths. For example, to sweep files from a DMZ server. Optionally renames files on the target system by appending a date code. This is to avoid name collisions. Pay close attention to $FileAge, which sets a lower limit on the age of files to copy and $RenameDelay, which sets an upper limit on the age of files to rename in the destination path. Change the copy-item method to the move-item method before going to production.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | set-StrictMode -version 2 $FileAge = 30 #age of files in minutes $RenameDelay = 5 #delay value for renaming files $Source = "\\server1\path1\" #source folder $Destination ="\\server2\path2\" #destination folder $Past = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($FileAge * -1) $Past2 = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($RenameDelay * -1) #first pass - move files form source to destination $List = dir $Source -recurse | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $Past -and $ -notlike "someString*" -and $ -notlike "SomeOtherString*"} if ($list -ne $null){ write-host $list.count "items found to move" foreach($file in $list){ #$file.Fullname If ($file.PSIsContainer -eq $false) { $MoveDirectory = (join-path -path $Destination -childpath $file.DirectoryName.SubString(14)) new-item -path $MoveDirectory -type directory -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue #create destination folder if it doesn't already exist } $MovePath = (join-path -path $Destination -childpath $file.FullName.SubString(15)) copy-item -Path $file.FullName -destination $MovePath -force #move file to destination folder } } else {write-host "no matching items found to move"} #second pass - rename files in destination $List = dir $destination -recurse | Where {$_.CreationTime -gt $Past2 -and $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false -and $ -notlike "SomeString*" -and $ -notlike "SomeOtherString*" } if ($list -ne $null){ write-host $list.count "items found to rename" foreach($file in $list){ $file = ( rename-item -force path $file.Fullname Newname ( $file.basename + (get-date -format '_yyyy-MM-dd_hhmm') + $file.extension)) } } else {write-host "no matching items found to rename"} set-StrictMode -Off |
Nice script!
I was able to use parts of your script to to something similar.
I needed to move backup files from directory to another based on “DayOfWeek” and filename.
Thanks for posting your work!